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Scare Acting 101 - Trying to Reason with the "Off Season"

Every year scare actors and haunt owners push through a tough schedule. Late nights, bumps and bruises, sleep deprivation and more will wear you down. But somehow when it's all over you wish it hadn't ended so soon. Well, there are some things that will help with the post haunt season blues, and that's what is covered in the article. So here we go: After the fun ends The season is over. You're bruised, battered, beaten and sleep deprived. You could probably build a ten foot high pile of water bottles or energy drinks behind your set. But despite all of the pain and exhaustion, you're incredibly sad that it's over. It's a common thing that effects many scare actors, yet most of us never talk about it. Similar how most NASCAR drivers never talk about other drivers getting into accidents, it's something we all go through but don't discuss. I'm assuming that's true because it was in Days of Thunder and Tom Cruise wouldn't lie about someth...

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